Thursday, February 8, 2007

Problems With Microsoft Vista

I know you are dying to know what problems the new O.S. has right? Of course, if you are going to shovel out $250.00 to buy it, you will want to know what the problems with Microsoft Vista are. What I have done, is search the net as well as used my experiences with the software to create a composite list and description of the different problems expected with Microsoft Vista.

Keep in mind that this software has been 5 years in the making. It is extremely evident that large quantities of work has been placed in this software from first glance. The first problem is that the lotus program has compatibility problems. Lotus notes is a program that basically helps with collaborator projects and such. If you are not using Vista for your business, this problem really is not a problem for you.

In some cases, people's computer software were not compatible with Vista meaning they have to go out and buy a new computer. Chances are these people do not have the knowledge to build their own computers because these people usually rebuild there computers once every few years. If you bought your computer any time in the past 4 years or so, you shouldn't have any problem.

Finally, one problem you have to make sure of which could also be seen with other versions is the compatibility of other software with Vista. Again, this is a problem with Microsoft Vista as well as previous versions; nevertheless, it's still a problem. If you have certain software you need, make sure it is compatible and if it isn't, hold off on buying Vista and wait until new versions of the vital software are out.

Be sure to constantly check in for updates on the problems with Microsoft Vista because as time goes by, I'm sure we are going to see crashing and other common problems. Please do not take this article the wrong way though, Vista is still the best of the previous versions of the award winning software series and the may years of development show.

Also check on your PC's Vista compatibility, Windows Vista: Hardware Guidance, and the Supersite for Vista FAQ.


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